Tu sroczka kaszke warzyla

Tu sroczka kaszke warzyla
Here Magpie Cooked Her Porridge
Finger Play
Finger Play
Tu sroczka kaszke warzyla:
temu dala na miseczke
temu dala na lyzeczke
temu dala do kubeczka
temu dala do dziobeczka
a temu malemu nic nie dala tylko mu lepek urwala
i frrrrr... prosto do *** poleciala.
Here Magpie cooked her porridge:
This one* she gave some in the bowl
This one* she gave some on the spoon
This one* she gave some in the cup
This one* she gave some in the beak
And this one* she gave nothing but ripped off his head
And frrrr… straight to *** she flew.
* = Point to each finger.
*** = Here you put in the name of the baby you're doing the finger play to.
Emily wrote: "Honestly… I know this little story since I was a kid and nobody ever mentioned to me the whole head rip off part. My grandma just ended with: This one she gave nothing and straight to *** she flew."
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Sis for contributing this rhyme and to Emily for translating it. Thanks also to Kuka for writing about the correction.