Myriam Pitts wrote: "We sang the following song in Kindergarten in Belgium. I still remember it and taught it to my children here in the States as well."


*Wave goodbye here


Katleen Vanagt contributed this version:

In een klein stationnetje

In een klein stationnetje
's Ochtends in de vroegte
Stonden zeven wagentjes
Netjes op een rij
En het machinistje
Draaide aan een wieletje
Akke Akke tuut tuut
Weg zijn zij...

English Translation

In a little station
Early in the morning
Seven little wagons
Stood properly on a line
And the little driver
Turned a little wheel on
Tack, tack, choo choo
They're on their way…


Myriam sang this song in Dutch to her children like this...


She also sang it to her children in English...


Thanks and Acknowledgements

Many thanks to Myriam Pitts for contributing, translating and singing this song. Many thanks also to Katleen Vanagt for contributing the second version.

Dank u wel!