
*Redeem from the pawnbroker

**Reference to the following French rhyme:

Turlututu chapeau pointu
Ma mère voulait me battre
Je suis passé par la p'tite rue
Maman m'a pas battu

Which in English can be translated as:

Turlututu pointed hat
My mother wanted to hit me
I went through the small street
Mommy didn't hit me.

Words and music for Dors, mon petit quinquin are by Alexandre-Joachim Desrousseaux (1820-1892) from Lille, France.


According to this is the unofficial anthem of the town of Lille, France.



Thanks to Édit' Dupont for singing the refrain and first two verses for us!

Sheet Music

Sheet Music - Dors, min p'tit quinquin

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Many thanks to Édit' Dupont for contributing this lullaby and to Monique Palomares for translating it into English.
