Сорока, сорока!
(Версия 2)
Сорока, сорока!
(Версия 2)
Magpie, magpie!
(Version 2)
Finger Play
Finger Play
Сорока, сорока!
Где была?
— Далёко!
Печку топила,
Кашу варила,
На порог скакала —
Гостей созывала
Гости прилетели,
На крылечко сели.
Этому дала,
Этому дала,
Этому дала,
Этому дала,
А этому не дала:
Он по воду не ходил,
Дрова не рубил,
Печку не топил,
Кашку не варил…
Magpie, magpie!
Where have you been?
- Far away!
I heated the stove,
I made porridge,
I went to the doorstep
I called the guests
The guests arrived,
They sat on the porch.
I gave some to this one,
I gave some to this one,
I gave some to this one,
I gave some to this one,
But I didn't give some to this one:
He didn't fetch water,
He didn't chop wood,
He didn't feed the stove,
He didn't cook the porridge.

You can hear slightly different versions of this rhyme in the video below...
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