This lullaby was collected in "Canti popolari corsi" by Salvatore Viale in 1843. This version can be found in "Cantu nustrale" (Ed. Albiana, 2009) by Ghjermana de Zerbi (born in 1939).

The Coscione plateau, in Corsican U Cusciunu, is a plateau located in Corsica, in the Monte Incudine massif, at around 1,500 meters above sea level (per French Wikipedia).


*A "pilone" ("piloni" in plural) is piece of Corsican goatherd clothing: a cloak made with goat's hair.
**In many areas, the bride was given a distaff decorated with ribbons on her wedding day. It represented the tasks that awaited her as a housewife in her new household.
***Heavy, high galoshes


The spelling of this song can be slightly different depending upon when and where it was collected.

Verses sung in this rendition: 1, 2, 5, 7, 4.
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You can hear 4 different tunes for the song as found in different sources.
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Verses sung in this version: 1, 2, 7.
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Sheet Music

Sheet Music - Nanna di u Cuscionu

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Translated by Monique Palomares.