Tumanyire okubaara
Rutooro is a Bantu language spoken mainly by the Toro people of Western Uganda. It's also called Tooro. Here's a counting song in Rutooro with a translation and a video…
Tumanyire okubaara
We Have Learned to Count
Counting Song
Counting Song
Tumanyire okubaara!
Okubaara kakirungi!
Twine akaara kamu kamu!
Obwara bubiri-bubiri!
Obwara busaatu busaatu,
Obwara buuna buuna,
Obwara butaano butaano,
Obwara mukaga mukaga,
Obwara musanju musanju,
Obwara munaana munaana,
Obwara mwenda mwenda,
Obwara ikumi ikumi!
Ruhanga Akaampa okuguru kumu na okwakabiri!!
Nemikoono yenge ebiri!
Omutiima gwange gumu omurungi
We have learned to count
Counting is interesting…
On us we have one finger...
We have a second finger
We have a third finger,
We have a fourth finger,
We have a fifth finger,
We have a sixth finger,
We have a seventh finger,
We have an eighth finger,
We have a ninth finger and
We have a tenth finger....
God gave me one right and a second left leg...
With my two hands...
With my one loving heart.
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Daria Marmaluk-Hajioannou for sharing this song and video with us!
Webale muno!