This song is a Provençal song.


*The words with an asterisk are provençalized French words.

Collected by Damase Arbaud in "Chants populaires de la Provence", 2, published in 1864
Also published in 1977 and 1994 in "Cantam provençau, cançonier dau calen" by Luciana Porte-Marrou.

Below are the lyrics as first written down by Damase Arbaud. They're written in what we call "Mistralian form"*:

Par un dimenche de matin
Ai près les claus de moun jardin,
Per n'en culhir la viouleto,
La blanco flour doou jaussemin
Per n'en fair' un bouque' à ma mio
Avant de sourtir doou jardin.

Quand lou bouquet es istat fach
Sabiou pas par qu lou mandar,
L'y agut lou roussignoou sauvagi,
Lou messagier des amourous:
Per iou voues-tu fair' un messagi
A ma mio la Blancoflour,

Lou roussignoou n'a pas manquat
Doou joli bouesc s'es envoulat,
Sur la fenestro de la belo
Lou roussignoou a fach très tours :
Reveilhetz-vous, la graciouso,
Vous adus' un bouquet de flours.

Que Diou bénisse les saluts
Et mai aqueou que les adut,
N'en ai ben d'autres caregnaires
N'en ai ben d'autres amourous,
N'en ai ben d'autres caregnaires,
Mai per aqueou pouerto la flour

« Belo, quand siou en quauquo part
» Parle de vous, siou jamai las,
» Parle que de vouestres louangis
» Eme de vouestre bouen renoum,
» Que siatz pourido coum' un angi,
» Sembletz la filho d'un baroun. »

*Occitan language has two main written forms:

1. The normalized or classic written form (a.k.a. Alibert's written form) is based on the troubadour spelling - it was modernized at the end of the 19th century and fixed by Louis Alibert in the 1930's.

2. The felibres' written form (a.k.a. Mistralian written form) is based on French spelling - it was fixed by Joseph Roumanille in the second half of the 19th century. It's mainly used in East Occitania (Provence, Nice) and was used by Frederic Mistral –hence the name. The "felibres" were Provençal writers who decided to defend and promote the Provençal language and literature in the 1850's. (Cf. Wiki entry)


Sheet Music

Sheet Music - Lo rossinhòu messatgier

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Translated by Monique Palomares with Lisa.