This song seems to go back at least to the mid-1800's.
Children's Song
Last night as I lay snug in bed
What fun it was for me
I dreamt that I was Grandpapa
And Grandpapa was me
And Grandpapa was me
And Grandpapa was me
I dreamt that I was Grandpapa
And Grandpapa was me.
I dreamt I wore a tall silk hat
Drab coat and gaiters buff
I took without a single sneeze
A double pinch of snuff.
Then after tea we took a walk
And he ran by my side
Because I walked too fast for him
The little fellow cried.
And when 'twas night I washed his face
And when his prayers were said
I blew the candle out and left
Poor Grandpapa in bed.
You can hear the song sung here (University of Arkansas).
This song is known in the US and England.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
This song can be found in "The Child's Speaker" by Charles Northend, A.S. Barnes and Company, New York & Chicago (1872).