"This is an old song used by women's groups in churches in the English part of the country. It is also sung on Women's Day in Cameroon but is not exclusively for that occasion. There are two versions. One version mentions different towns or regions of Cameroon. The other version mentions different groups that are active within a church…."

"Actually this song comes mostly from the Presbyterian Church where they have the Christian Women's Fellowship who are sometimes called the mothers of the church. Practically any women worth her salt is in the CWF, in the Christian Women's Fellowship. And during the offerings, during the time when they receive offerings in church, they tend to lead a lot of the singing and they do the kinds of songs that everybody in the church wants to join in. So they involve everybody in what they're singing and in the lyrics. So when you have the lead calling out certain names or acronyms, know that it is the groups that are active in the church. Like in this song you will hear CYF, which is Christian Youth Fellowship, CWF, which is Christian Women's Fellowship, CMF, which is Christian Men's Fellowship, and sometimes they'll mention the different choirs as well, Hallelujah Choir, Hosanna Choir, all of that. So, here goes the song... and you have a lead and then you have the others join in." -Nyango M. Nambangi


*CMF = Christian's Men's Fellowship
**CYF = Christian Youth Fellowship


"When groups are mentioned during the singing of the 'We are One' song, the group responds with much verve - and everybody else does sing along. The Lead uses the opportunity to make sure that nobody feels left out. And if any of them had not been doing the little dance, they do it when mentioned because the rest of the worshippers (or attendees if not in church) directs their attention to the group that has just been mentioned. So, it can be: Little children, are we together? Our dear Pastors, are we together? Our dear Elders, are we together? And so on." -Nyango


This version names different active groups within the church while the rest of the group answers. Both parts are sung by Nyango.


Thanks to Nyango M. Nambangi for singing this song for us!

The version below includes comments by Nyango before she sings the song. You can read the comments above before the lyrics (the second paragraph starting with "actually").


You can hear a simpler version of this song in this video from The Peace Corps. Here's the description they give of it:

"A typical day in Cameroon is full of joy and happiness. Every Friday, a group called 'Mbiykici' (I plant a tree) meets in a small village in the North West of Cameroon to make music by singing, playing traditional instruments and enjoying a cup of palm wine or honey drink. People around them dance, laugh and share what makes them happy, to the rhythm of one of their favorite Cameroonian songs 'We are one, we are together'."

The lead also sings, "Oh my dear friends", "Oh my dear sisters" and "Oh my dear brothers" instead of towns or groups within a church. The song is improvised around the main lyrics.
Please let us know if you think this video has been taken down by YouTube.

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Many thanks to Nyango M. Nambangi of the Minnesota African Women's Association for sharing this song with us and for singing it!