El poll i la puça
There are many versions of this song in different languages.
El poll i la puça
The Louse and The Flea
Children's Song
Children's Song
1. El poll i la puça es volen casar.
–Com ens casarem, si no tenim pa?
Respon la formiga des del formiguer:
–Avant, avant les noces*, de pa jo en duré.
2. –De pa ja en tenim. Vi, com ho farem?
Respon el mosquit des del fons del celler
–Avant, avant les noces, de vi jo en duré.
3. –De vi ja en tenim. Carn, com ho farem?
Respon la guineu des del galliner
–Avant, avant les noces, de carn jo en duré.
4. –De carn ja en tenim, però qui sonarà?
Ja respon el grill que es bon sonador
–Avant, avant les noces ja sonare jo
5. –Sonador ja tenim, però qui ballarà?
Respon el gripau que es bon ballador
–Avant, avant les noces, ja ballare jo.
6. –Ballador tenim; però amb qui ballarà?
Respon la rateta de dins del graner:
–Lligueu-me bé la gata, que jo ballaré.
1. The louse and the flea want to get married.
"How will we get married if we don't have bread?"
The ant answers from the anthill:
"Go ahead, go ahead with the wedding, I'll bring the bread."
2. "We already have some bread. How will we get wine?"
The mosquito answers from the bottom of the cellar
"Go ahead, go ahead with the wedding, I'll bring the wine."
3. "We already have wine. How will we get meat?"
The fox answers from the henhouse,
"Go ahead, go ahead with the wedding, I'll bring the meat".
4. "We already have meat, but who will play music?"
The cricket is already answering, he's a good player,
"Go ahead, go ahead with the wedding, I'll play!"
5. "We already have a musician, but who will dance?"
Answers the toad who is a good dancer,
"Go ahead, go ahead with the wedding, I'll dance."
6. "We already have a dancer, but who will he dance with?"
The mouse answers from inside the attic,
"Tie up the pussy cat, I'll dance."
*Alternate version "Avant, avant les bodes" (same meaning - Go ahead, go ahead with the wedding) or "Caseu-vos, caseu-vos" (Get married, get married).
You can hear the song sung here.
Sheet Music
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Translation and illustration by Monique Palomares.