Erdő erdő erdő
Erdő erdő erdő
Forest, Forest, Forest
Folk Song
Folk Song
Erdő erdő erdő,
Marosszéki kerek erdő
Madár lakik benne,
Madár lakik tizenkettő
Cukrot adnék annak a madárnak
Dalolja ki nevét a babámnak
Csárdás kisangyalom,
Érted fáj a szívem nagyon.
Búza, búza, búza,
De szép tábla búza
Annak közepébe'
Kinyílott a rózsa
Tüske annak minden ága,
Nem állja a madár lába,
Kedves kisangyalom,
Érted fáj a szívem nagyon.
Forest, forest, forest
The round forest of Marosszék,
Birds do live in it,
Birds, exactly twelve.
I would give some sugar to that bird
Who can sing the name of my baby
My csárdás - little angel
My heart aches for you very much.
Wheat, wheat, wheat,
What a nice wheat field!
In the very middle of it
A rose has blossomed,
Its stem is full of thorns,
A bird's foot cannot stand that
My sweet little angel,
My heart aches for you very much.
"I think that many people know this song but only a very few know where Marosszék is exactly. I suppose that the meaning of 'csárdás' is something to teach the younger people. For me 'csárdás' is a traditional folk dance. It's a noun. Nevertheless, it's used here as an adjective 'csárdás'. So the word refers to someone who can do and who does this type of dance. Others say that the adjective comes from another noun, 'csárda' that used to mean 'pub'. So it can refer to a the owner of a place, and in this context, a female owner." -Tinker Jack
Sheet Music
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Tinker Jack for sharing this song, the translation into English and French and the interesting note.