"This song most likely comes from the US because the bluebird is specifically found in the USA." -Monique

Here Comes a Bluebird in Through My Window - English Children's Songs - England - Mama Lisa's World: Children's Songs and Rhymes from Around the World  - Intro Image

Game Instructions

1. Children stand in a circle holding hands high up in arches (to form the "windows" in the song). One kid is the "Bluebird" who flies in and out of the "windows".

2. On the 2nd verse, the "bird" chooses a partner by patting him/her on the shoulder. The 2nd kid then goes in the middle with the 1st kid. They hold hands and hop and down

On the 2nd iteration of the song, both go in and out the windows (the arches). Then the 2 kids choose another kid and on the 2nd verse both "couples" hold hands and hop in the center. On the next iteration the first 2 kids rejoin the circle and the game continues.

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