Brandons of Payerne is one of the oldest carnivals in Switzerland.

"As-tu vu Tumulus? is a ditty that children from Payerne and its environs sing repeatedly during the Brandons Carnival to the tune of As-tu vu la casquette ?. They sing it while following The Tumulus Company (people wearing masks and dressed in a plain, full costume with pointed hats). The company hands out sweets, tangerines and peanuts as rewards…" -Patrick

As-tu vu Tumulus - Swiss Children's Songs - Switzerland - Mama Lisa's World: Children's Songs and Rhymes from Around the World  - Intro Image


"The tradition was born in 1898 when a tumulus (a burial mound from the Bronze or Iron Age) was discovered in the Roverex Woods in the town of Payerne. It was a big event and a lot of people rushed over. A town councilor went there and since he was short he climbed on a heap of dirt to look around for the tumulus without realizing… that he was on it! It made all of Payerne laugh and as soon as the next carnival arrived, they started to make fun of him singing 'As-tu vu tumulus en Roverex ? Oui, j'ai vu tumulus en Roverex!' (Did you see a tumulus at Roverex (Woods)? Yes I saw a tumulus in Roverex) to the tune of As-tu vu la casquette ?.

Then at the next Brandons Carnival, a commemorative Tumulus Company was officially created who gave out more and more things. The tune evolved a little too, the lyrics mysteriously mutated to be about a boat and thus have no more meaning nowadays. But the Tumulus company is still alive in the 21st century for the enjoyment of young and old who wait for peanuts above all!" -Patrick



Sung by Patrick Rapin.

Sheet Music

Sheet Music - As-tu vu Tumulus

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Many thanks to Patrick Rapin for contributing this song, the comments, the mp3 recording, the midi music, a score and the photo!