The Lakota alphabet has 38 letters, here they are in a song…


Notes about the pronunciation:

"a" as in "father"
"e" as in "bed"
"i" = ee
"o" as in "rob"
"u" = oo
Aŋ, iŋ, uŋ are nasal vowels, they're pronounced by raising the soft palate while uttering the corresponding "a, i, u" oral vowels.
"č" = "ch".
"ǧ" as a French "r".
"ž" as "s" in "Asia, leasure…".
"h" as in English- should be pronounced after a consonant (name of the letters ending in "i").
"ȟ" as a Mexican "j" - should be pronounced after a consonant (name of the letters ending in "a").
The apostrophe corresponds to a glottal stop and must always been pronounced.


You can find more material to learn Lakota language at Lakota Language Consortium Bookstore.

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