Piirileikki is a circle dance in Finnish.

Game Instructions

This is a dance that's done with a partner. Following the instructions below for each verse...

Verse 1: Hold partner's hands. On lines 1 & 2 of the verse and go around in a circle in one direction.
On lines 3 & 4 go around in the other direction. (Variation is to bow/curtsy to each other.)
Verse 2: On lines 1 & 2 hold hands and swing arms back and forth.
On lines 3 & 4 go around in a circle.
Verse 3: On lines 1 & 2 stand back to back.
On lines 3 & 4 hold hands and go around in a circle.
Verse 4: On lines 1 & 2 stand side to side.
On lines 3 & 4 hold hands and go around in a circle.
Verse 5: On lines 1 & 2 hold right hand to right hand (like your shaking hands) and swing them back and forth.
On lines 3 & 4 wave goodbye to each other.

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Sheet Music

Sheet Music - Ystäväni, tuttavani

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Many thanks to MAE KaBi for sharing this song with the translation! You can access MAE KaBi's recording of this song on her Bandcamp page.
