This song has been sung in many movies and is well-known.


This song was sung by Marlene Dietrich in the movie "Judgement at Nuremberg." This song was sung in many other movies including Blazing Saddles, Lifeboat by Alfred Hitchcock and The Producers.

Robert wrote to us that his dad sang this song to him... "My Dad sang a German lullaby to me when I was little. My Great Grandfather came to the U.S. in the late 1800 – early 1900's. I'm sure he sang it to my Dad also! My Great Grandfather was from the town of Heide in the Northwest part of Germany."

Please let us know if you think this video has been taken down by YouTube.

Sheet Music

Sheet Music - Du, du liegst mir am Herzen

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Thanks to Elisabeth Allen for sharing this song with the translation and video! Thanks to Robert for pointing out this song to us!
