In the Malaysian version of "Rock, Paper, Scissors" the words are usually not said out loud during the game.


"Batu-Gunting-Kertas" is a game that comes with a penalty. Whoever loses might face a punishment like being slapped on the face or hit on the head with an empty plastic bottle (we don't recommend this penalty as it can hurt the head).

Game Instructions

Two players put their hands out at exactly the same time in one of three signs, Batu (Rock), Gunting (Paper) or Kertas (Scissors).

Here's how to make each sign:

-Rock: Make a fist.
-Paper: Put out a flat hand horizontal to the ground.
-Scissors: Put out the index and middle finger imitating scissors.

Here's how you determine who won the round depending upon which symbol each kid put out:

- Rock beats Scissors (imagine a rock breaking the scissors).
- Scissors beats Paper (imagine the scissors cutting the paper).
- Paper beats Rock (imagine a piece of paper covering a rock).

If both kids chose the same symbol, they have to replay the round.


According to Wikipedia, Rock-Paper-Scissors is also called Roshambo and originally comes from China. It's so old that it dates back about 2,000 years to the time of the Han Dynasty (206 BCE – 220 CE). This game is now played in many countries around the world.

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Thanks to Florentina for sharing this version!