
OO Meeleetse……

OO Meeleetse, oo Meeleetse dooge trepaveetse (2x)
Prekreele yoy, prekreele yoy roomen yagodeetse. (2x)

Ya ye gledam, ya ye gledam tree godeene dana
Ne mogoo yoy, ne mogoo yoy ochi sagledatee.

Tsrne ochi, tsrne ochi i beejelo leetse. (2x)

"a" like in "car"
"e" like in "bed"



Aleksandra is a music teacher from Novi Sad, Serbia. She teaches music to children from 1 1/2 to 7 years old in her music school Melodium.


Here's an excerpt of this song being sung by the 5 and 6 year old students at "Melodium" Music School in Novi Sad, Serbia...


Many thanks to the 5 and 6 year old students at "Melodium" Music School in Novi Sad, Serbia for performing this song!

Sheet Music

Sheet Music - U Milice duge trepavice

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Many thanks to Aleksandra Grbic Hrustic for contributing, transliterating and translating this song, for the midi music and the musical score.

Hvala lepa!