Leptiriću, šareniću
Leptiriću, šareniću
Colorful Little Butterfly
Traditional Song
Traditional Song
Leptiriću, šareniću, hodi k’ meni amo
Evo imam lepu ružu, pomiriši samo
Evo imam lepu ružu, pomiriši samo
Ja bih doš’o, al’ se bojim kakve igle klete
Stisnućeš me, probošćeš me, onda zbogom svete
Stisnućeš me, probošćeš me, onda zbogom svete
Neću lepko, neću lepko, života mi moga
Samo hoću da izbrojim kol’ko imaš noga
Samo hoću da izbrojim kol’ko imaš noga
E pa to ti mogu reći i izdalje malko
Leptir ima šest nožica, a sad zbogom brajko
Leptir ima šest nožica, a sad zbogom brajko
Oh, my little butterfly,
Would you please just come to me!
Here's a beautiful rose, just smell it
Here's a beautiful rose, just smell it.
I would like to come and see, I would like to twinkle by
But, your needle might poke me and my life might go bye bye
But, your needle might poke me and my life might go bye bye
I won't do that, don't be scared, cross my heart so you could know.
I would only like to bend, count how many legs you grow.
I would only like to bend, count how many legs you grow.
That's something I can tell even if I'm not close by
I have six legs that are swell, and now, my dear boy, bye bye!
I have six legs that are swell, and now, my dear boy, bye bye!
Written by Jovan Jovanović Zmaj (1833 – 1904).
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Thanks to Adrian Danila for sharing this song with the translation!