"Grizzly Bear" helps kids learn to modulate their voices.


Sing verse 2 very quietly. Sing verse 3 more loudly.

Game Instructions

Variation 1:

All the kids go around in a circle and sing the song. One kid lies in the middle pretending to sleep. The on the last line the "bear" jumps up and roars and all the kids run away. In some variations the grizzly then tries to tag a kid. If he tags someone, that person becomes the new grizzly.

Variation 2:

The kids sit in a circle with the "grizzly bear" sitting in the middle. One child walks around the outside of the circle as the "hunter". On the last line, the kid in the middle chases the "hunter" around the circle. If s/he catches the hunter the hunter becomes the new grizzly. If the hunter gets back to his spot in the circle, new kids are chosen to be the hunter and bear.

Variation 3:

The same as variation 2 except it's the hunter who chases the bear. If the hunter doesn't catch the bear before he goes around once, the bear can sneak back in his cave (the middle of the circle) and be safe.

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