The Fly
The Fly
Ob-serve, my child, the House-hold Fly,
With his ex-traor-di-na-ry eye.
What-ev-er thing he may be-hold
Is mul-ti-plied a thou-sand-fold.
We do not need a com-plex eye
When we ob-serve the morn-ing Fly:
He is so vol-a-tile that he
In ev-er-y place at once can be;
He is the buzz-ing in-car-na-tion
Of an-i-mate mul-ti-pli-ca-tion.
Ah! Chil-dren, who can tell the Why
And Where-fore of the House-hold Fly?
Written by Oliver Herford. Herford was born in England. His father moved his family to the US when he was a teen.
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Image edited by Lisa.