Carnival Song
Carnival Song
Il-perlini w prinjolata,
għal matul il-karnival,
għax dawn huma jiem ta’ briju,
kemm għall-kbar w għalina t-tfal.
Hemm min jilbes ta’ xi buffu,
hemm min jilbes ta’ pirat,
ejj’ ilkoll inċapċpu w nidħku,
ħadd m’għandu jkun irrabjat!
Mel’ evviva l-maskerati
u evviva l-ħmerijiet!
Ejj’ ningħaqdu lkoll mal-folol,
ħa naraw il-karrijiet.
Viva, viva l-karnival!
Viva, viva l-karnival!
Pine-nut cake and sugared almonds
Colored like these carnival days,
Full of noise and joy and laughter,
of young and old with childish ways.
Some will dress as mighty pirates,
Some will dress as funny clowns,
We'll all clap and laugh together,
No one should be wearing frowns!
So long live the masquerades and
Long live all the foolish deeds!
Let's all join this crowd of people,
And see the floats parade the streets.
Long, long live the carnival!
Long, long live the carnival!
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Christine George for contributing this song and to Roderick Mallia of Inizjamed for his English translation.
Image: Fastnachtstanz von Metzgern im Jahre 1519 (Carnival Dance of the Butchers in the Year 1519)