Topi Saya Bundar - Indonesian Children's Songs - Indonesia - Mama Lisa's World: Children's Songs and Rhymes from Around the World  - Intro Image

Game Instructions

Marianne wrote me, "This song has the same tune as 'Burung kakak tua'. Usually the song is sung while the hands are moving to match the verses...

Topi saya bundar
(Hands touch head, touch chest, make a circle with 2 hands)
Bundar topi saya
(Make a circle with 2 hands, touch head, touch chest)
Kalau tidak bundar
(Shake head and make a circle with 2 hands)
Bukan topi saya
(Wave hands, touch head, touch chest)".


"Regarding the additional line that sounds like "Track-dune track-dune track-dune tra la la la" in the rendition below, Michelle wrote, "My sister and I always sang it with that ending... but my mom has no idea where we got that from! I don't think it's meant to be there. But yeah it's just a tralalala kinda sound."

I think it's great when kids add on their own lines to songs!


Many thanks to Michelle SK and daughter Liliana Srikandi for the wonderful video and the 2nd mp3 recording!

Please let us know if you think this video has been taken down by YouTube.
Many thanks to Innosanto Nagara for videotaping this song for us!
Please let us know if you think this video has been taken down by YouTube.

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Many thanks to Marianne Hemasurya for contributing this song in March 2005. Marianne is an Indonesian living in Indonesia.

Thanks also to Monique Palomares for the midi tune.

Image: Songkok Guru Khas Suku Makassar, Wikipedia, cc 4.0.

Terima kasih banyak!