This is a variation of "Al corro de la patata".


*"Arropé" is meaningless..

Game Instructions

The children walk in a circle holding hands. On the last line of each verse, they do the action mentioned in the line.

In the last verse they sing, "Calladito me quedaré" (I'll stay silent).

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In the video below they sing:

1."Aloé, aloé, dando vueltas me quedé." (Aloe-ay, aloe-ay, I kept turning around.)
2. "Aloé, aloé, saltando me quedé." (Aloe-ay, aloe-ay, I kept jumping.)
3. "Aloé, aloé, sentadito me quedé." (Aloe-ay, aloe-ay, I kept sitting.)

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Thanks and Acknowledgements

Translated by Lisa.