"'Hoedje van papier' (Little Paper Hat) is a folk song that's now sung as a nursery rhyme. The song probably originated around 1830. It refers to the political circumstances of that time.

King William I was rejected as a monarch by Southern Netherlands in 1830 and on October 4, 1830, the Provisional Government declared independence. The Netherlands sent an army to suppress the uprising. A large number of conscripts had to get a uniform quickly. Because there were not enough regular hats (called 'shako's' – a high hat of felt and leather, worn by soldiers), the countrymen got one of parchment-like paper. This is the famous 'hat of paper'." –Wikipedia in Dutch

Hoedje van papier - Dutch Children's Songs - The Netherlands - Mama Lisa's World: Children's Songs and Rhymes from Around the World  - Intro Image


Some people only sing the 3rd and 4th verses and sometimes they'll repeat them.


Check out: Instructions to Make a Paper Hat.

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In the version below the lady sings the last 2 verses twice…

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Sheet Music

Sheet Music - Hoedje van papier

Thanks and Acknowledgements

This song can be found in the book "Nederlandsche baker- en kinderrijmen" by J. van Vloten (first edition: 1871). It calls the song a dance song.

Translation by Lisa.

Image: Paper Hat from Wikimedia Commons, cc.