What's Your Name? Puddin Tane
What's Your Name? Puddin Tane
What's Your Name?
Puddin Tane.
Ask me again
And I'll tell you the same.
Where do you live?
Down the lane.
What's your number?
One way this is played is to repeat the following game over and over:
Adult: What's Your Name?
Child: Puddin Tane.
Ask me again
And I'll tell you the same!
Another Version:
What's your name?
Pudding Tame
Ask me again and
I'll tell you the same!
Where do you live?
In a sieve.
What's your number?
Lisa Vicek wrote:
Hi, my grandmother, a Montana homesteader from Minnesota, born in 1889 used to say:
What's your name?
Response: Charley Brown
Ask me again and I'll knock you down.
What's your name?
Puddin n Tame
Ask me again and I'll tell you the same.
We would giggle and giggle and ask her over and over.
I found reference to the first part of this rhyme in "Notes and Queries" from 1885. It says the name "Pudding of Thame" was the name of a devil.
According to Yahoo Answers, this formula was said in a Little Rascals episode.
According to Urban Dictionary, this is used when someone can't remember your name.
There's another version of this rhyme called, "What's Your Name? Mary Jane.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Thanks to Barbara Huet for sharing her mother's version of this rhyme! Thanks to Lisa Vicek for sharing her grandmother's version!