This lullaby was written in 1911. It's still sung by parents today.

Sofðu unga ástin mín - Icelandic Children's Songs - Iceland - Mama Lisa's World: Children's Songs and Rhymes from Around the World  - Intro Image


*This refers to the sheep bones that were used as toys and were called "leggur og skel" ("calf bone and seashell"). The chest is the box that held the bones and is called a "völuskrín". The bones represented animals for playing "farm". The sheep bones were used as follows:

Calf bones represented horses.
Jaw bones represented cows
(Though one site says jaws represented horses)
Horns represented sheep
Seashells were used for dogs.

The ankle bone was also used for fortune-telling. The person would shake around the ankle bone in the palm like a die and put up to the cheek while reciting the following:

Spávala mín, ég spyr þig að,
ég skal þig með gullinu gleðja
og silfrinu seðja
ef þú segir mér satt.
En í eldinum brenna
ef þú skrökvar að mér.


My bone of fortune, I ask you,
I'll make you happy with gold
And will gratify you with silver
If you tell me the truth.
But in the fire you'll burn
If you tell me lies.

Then they ask a yes/no question and throw the bone onto a flat surface. If the hump of the bone is up, the answer is yes. If the hollow part of the bone is up the answer is no. If it landed on its side then the answer was unknown.

Written by Jóhann Sigurjónsson (1880-1919) for a play he wrote about the famous outlaw Fjalla-Eyvindur in 1911. You can read the sad story about the play here.

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Image: Wikipedia