"Sto lat" is a Polish birthday song. It's also sung at weddings, for name days and at other celebrations.

"The phrase 'Sto lat!' is also often used to wish someone longevity or good fortune, or as a toast, without the song. However, the use of 'Sto lat!' in this manner will often lead to the song being sung by those present. The phrase is also sometimes used to acknowledge someone's sneezing – similarly to 'God bless you', though for that particular occasion a simple na zdrowie ('To your health') is more frequently used." -Wikipedia


At the end of the song, especially when it's a child's birthday, the group will shout "a kto?" (who?) and then they shout out the birthday kid's name.


This song is also sung by beginner musicians like "Three Blind Mice" is in English.

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Sheet Music

Sheet Music - Sto lat

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Thanks to Agnieszka Magnucka for explaining about what everyone shouts out after singing the song!
