Al corro de la patata
Al corro de la patata
At the Potato Circle Dance
Canción infantil
Circle Game
Al corro de la patata
Comeremos ensalada,
Lo que comen los señores,
Naranjitas y limones.
¡Alupé, alupé,*
Sentadita me quedé!
At the potato circle dance
We will eat some salad
Like gentlemen eat,
Oranges and lemons
Alupé, alupé!*
Sitting down I stayed.
*Alternate Version: "A los pies, a los pies" ("At the feet, at the feet!")
Game Instructions
The children dance in a circle while singing the song. On "Alupé, alupé" they crouch down.
Sheet Music
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Cleofé García González for contributing this song and to Monique Palomares for translating it (with Mama Lisa) and for creating the midi music.
¡Muchas gracias!