This song is also known as "Arroz con leche." There are many versions of this song throughout the Spanish speaking world. Normally, the song is sung to a different tune than this version.

Game Instructions

The children form a circle, the (previously chosen) "young widow" goes to the center. The children walk in the circle while the "young widow" walks and skips singing the first verse. The children then sing the second verse to her. The child in the middle chooses a child in the circle while singing the last verse, they swap places at the end and the game begins again.

Here are the lyrics sung in the video below...

Yo soy la viudita del conde Laurel, (I am count Laurel's young widow)
que quiero casarme y no encuentro con quién. (I want to get married and I can't find anyone.)

-Si quieres casarte y no encuentras con quién (If you want to get married and you don't find anyone)
Elige aquí mismo que aquí tienes cien. (Choose right here as you have a hundred people.)

-Elijo a esta niña por ser la más bella (I choose this girl because she's the finest)
La blanca azucena que está en el jardín. (The white lily in the garden.)

Pues dame una mano y dame la otra, (So give me your hand and give me your other hand)
Pues dame un besito de tu linda boca. (So give me a little kiss from your pretty mouth.)

Yo soy la viudita del conde Laurel, (I am count Laurel's young widow)
que quiero casarme y no encuentro con quién. (I want to get married and I can't find anyone.).

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Sheet Music

Sheet Music - La viudita del conde Laurel

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Translated by Monique and Lisa.