Variations of "Peili" are played around the world. It's the equivalent of "Red Light, Green Light, 1, 2, 3!"

Game Instructions

"Peili" is played with a group of children.

The group stands on one end of the playing area, at the starting line, about 35-70 feet away from the kid who is "It". The person who is "It" stands at the other end, at the finish line. He is the "Peili".

The child who's "It" stands with his back to the group. They move carefully towards the Peili, who suddenly turns around. If the Peili notices anybody moving, the Peili will mention his or her name and the child in question has to return to the starting line.

The child who reaches the Peili first and yells the word "peili" will be the next Peili.

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Thanks and Acknowledgements

Many thanks to Marja-Leena Lounasmaa for explaining how to play this game.