Raz Dwa Trzy Baba Jaga Patrzy
Variations of "Raz dwa trzy Baba Jaga patrzy" are played around the world. It's the equivalent of "Red Light, Green Light, 1, 2, 3!"
Raz Dwa Trzy Baba Jaga Patrzy
1, 2, 3, The Witch Sees!
Raz dwa trzy
Baba Jaga* patrzy
One, Two, Three,
The witch sees!
*"In Slavic folklore, Baba Yaga (Baba Jaga in Polish) is a supernatural being who appears as a deformed and/or ferocious-looking witch." -Wikipedia
Game Instructions
"Raz dwa trzy Baba Jaga patrzy" is played with a group of people.
The group stands on one end of the playing area, at the starting line. The person who is "It" stands at the other end, at the finish line, with his back to the group. He says, "Raz dwa trzy Baba Jaga patrzy." Then he quickly turns around to face the group.
While he's facing away from the group, the people in the group run towards the finish line. Meanwhile, as soon as the one who's "It" finishes saying, "Raz dwa trzy Baba Jaga patrzy" he quickly turns around to face the group. The group must freeze. Anyone who is caught moving has to go back to the starting line.
The game continues like this until someone reaches the finish line. That person wins and is "It" in the next round.
