Durmiendo sobre las pajas
Durmiendo sobre las pajas
Sleeping on Straw
Canción de Navidad
Christmas Carol
Durmiendo sobre las pajas,
he visto un serafín,
cataplín, cataplín,
durmiendo sobre las pajas,
he visto un serafín,
cataplín, cataplín;
con sus manitas de rosa
y labios de carmín,
cataplín, cataplín,
con sus manitas de rosa
y labios de carmín,
cataplín, cataplín.
Vayámosle a adorar,
vayamos presurosos,
vamos sin dudar.
Los ángeles cantan gloria
alegrando el portal,
cataplán, cataplán,
los ángeles cantan gloria
alegrando el portal,
cataplán, cataplán;
y corderitos le ofrece
un piadoso zagal,
cataplán, cataplán,
y corderitos le ofrece
un piadoso zagal,
cataplán, cataplán.
Vayamos a Belén,
vayamos presurosos
que está nuestro bien.
I saw an angel*
Sleeping on straw,
Cataplin, cataplin,
I saw an angel
Sleeping on straw,
Cataplin, cataplin;
With his little hands like pink roses
And crimson lips
Cataplin, cataplin,
With his little hands like pink roses
And crimson lips
Cataplin, cataplin.
Let's go adore him,
Let's go quickly,
Let's go without hesitation.
The angels sing the glory,
Rejoicing at the nativity scene,
Cataplan, cataplan,
The angels sing the glory,
Rejoicing at the nativity scene,
Cataplan, cataplan;
And a faithful shepherd boy
Offers him little lambs,
Cataplan, cataplan,
And a faithful shepherd boy
Offers him little lambs,
Cataplan, cataplan.
Let's go to Bethlehem,
Let's go quickly,
There is our treasure.
*The angel is Jesus. "Serafín" translates literally to seraph (a type of celestial being in Christianity and Judaism. Seraphs hold the highest rank in the Christian angelic hierarchy).

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Translated by Lisa and Monique.