Calendar Song
Calendar Song
Children's Song
Sixty seconds make a minute,
Something sure you can learn in it.
Sixty minutes make an hour,
Work with all your might and power.
Twenty-four hours make a day,
Time enough for work and play.
Seven days a week will make,
You will learn if pains you take.
Fifty-two weeks make a year,
Soon a new one will be here.
Twelve long months a year will make,
Say them now without mistake.
Thirty days hath gay September,
April, June and cold November;
All the rest have thirty-one,
February stands alone.
Twenty-eight is all his share,
With twenty-nine in each Leap Year,
That you may the Leap Year know
Divide by four and that will show.
In each year are seasons four,
You will learn them I am sure;
Spring and Summer, then the Fall,
Winter last but best of all.