Henry My Son
Henry My Son
Children's Song
Where have you been all the day,
Henry my son?
Where have you been all the day,
My pretty one?
In the woods, dear mother
In the woods, dear mother
Mother be quick I'm gonna be sick
And lay me down to die.
What did you do in the woods all day,
Henry my son?
What did you do in the woods all day,
My pretty one?
Ate, dear mother, ate, dear mother.
Mother be quick I'm gonna be sick
And lay me down to die.
What did you eat in the woods all day,
Henry my boy?
What did you eat in the woods all day
My saveloy?
Eels, dear mother, eels, dear mother.
Mother be quick I'm gonna be sick
And lay me down to die.
What color was them eels,
Henry my boy?
What color was them eels,
My pride and joy
Green and yeller, green and yeller.
Mother be quick I'm gonna be sick
And lay me down to die.
Them eels was snakes,
Henry my son.
Them eels was snakes,
My pretty one.
Urgh, dear mother, urgh, dear mother.
Mother be quick I'm gonna be sick
And lay me down to die.
What colour flowers would you like,
Henry my boy?
What colour flowers would you like,
My pride and joy?
Green and yeller, green and yeller,
Mother be quick I'm gonna be sick
And lay me down to die.
This song is also sung in Ireland.