The translation is singable to the tune.


Usually just the first two verses are sung.

Other Verses:

Zo gaan de handjes,
de handjes, de handjes,
Zo gaan de handjes,
de ha-ha-ndjes.

Zo gaan de voetjes,
de voetjes, de voetjes,
Zo gaan de voetjes,
de voe-hoe-tjes.


This is how the hands go,
The hands go, the hands go,
This is how the hands go,
The han-ands go.

This is how the feet go,
The feet go, the feet go,
This is how the feet go,
The fee-eet go.

Game Instructions

Twirl hands around each other throughout the song.

Sing the 1st verse slowly and then the 2nd verse quickly. Move the hands to the rhythm.

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Sheet Music

Sheet Music - Zo gaat de molen

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Translation by Lisa.