There are many versions of this lullaby. Often just the order of the verses differ.


(1) "In the old days, it was very common for Turkish people to apply henna on the hands of a baby as a way of blessing the child." -The Lullabies of Europe
(2) There's no grammatical gender in Turkish, so this lullaby may be addressed to a baby boy or a baby girl.
(3) Meaning that a baby as beautiful as the moon was born from a mother's womb.

Another Verse:

Uyusun da büyüsün nenni
Tıpış tıpış yürüsün nenni
Okula da gitsin ninni
Kısmetin açık olsun ninni

Loose Translation:

Let my baby sleep, let her grow up, lullaby
Toddle, let her walk, lullaby
You'll go to school, lullaby
Have good kismet, lullaby.

Below you can hear the song sung in a different order of verses...
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Here's another version:
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Thanks and Acknowledgements

Thanks to Ayse Jolly for correcting our French translation.