Nursery Rhyme
Nursery Rhyme
Цинги-линги с краю,
Колесо сломаю.
Колесо сломалося,
И сказало: ПЛЮХ!
Tirly-dirly on one side,
I will break a wheel,
The wheel got broken
And made a sound: splash!
Tirly-dirly s kraju,
koleso slomaju,
koleso slomalosia
i skazalo... PLUKH!
Longer Version:
Цинги-линги с краю,
Колесо сломаю.
Колесо сломалося,
В речке оказалося,
В речке оказалося,
И сказало: ПЛЮХ!
English Translation:
Tirly-dirly on the edge,
The wheel breaks.
The wheel is broken,
The river appeared,
The river appeared,
And it went:
Game Instructions
This rhyme is recited to a child while bouncing him or her gently on your one knee. On the last word, "PLUKH!" (splash) tilt him back. This usually surprises the child!

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Thanks to Marina for sharing this rhyme and translating it for us!
Bolshoe spasibo!
Большое спасибо!