A caracara is an American bird of prey, largely found in South and Central America. In this song, the bird is rigged out with strange body parts.

El chiriguare - Venezuelan Children's Songs - Venezuela - Mama Lisa's World: Children's Songs and Rhymes from Around the World  - Intro Image


*Joropo: A musical style like the fandango, with an accompanying dance. It comes from the plains called "Los Llanos" of Colombia and Venezuela.

Game Instructions

There's no special choreography or steps for this dance.

The dancers stand in a circle or in two lines. They go one step forward to the rhythm of the music, then one step back to their spot. The "chiriguare" threatens them while dancing among them. The "wizard" and his two "assistants" come in and he pretends to kill the "chiriguare" with his prayers. The "chiriguare" then falls down, lying on the ground. In the last part, the "vulture" comes in and pretends to bite at the guts of the "chiriguare" with its beak.

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Sheet Music

Sheet Music - El chiriguare

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Translation by Monique with Lisa.

Image: By Dan Pancamo - originally posted to Flickr as Caracara in Brazoria National Wildlife Refuge, CC BY-SA 2.0.

¡Muchas gracias!