Debrecenbe kéne menni
Debrecen is the 2nd largest city in Hungary.
Debrecenbe kéne menni
One Should Go to Debrecen
Children's Song
Children's Song
Debrecenbe kéne menni,
Pulykakakast kéne venni.
Megállj kocsis, lyukas a kas,
Kiesik a pulykakakas!
Debrecenben csuda esett:
Két kis kakas összeveszett,
Én a kakasod nem bánom,
Csak az enyémet sajnálom.
One should go to Debrecen
One should buy a male turkey there.
Stop, cart-rider! The basket has a hole in it,
The male turkey might fall out.
A miracle happened in Debrecen
Two little roosters had a quarrel.
I don't care much about your rooster,
But I feel sorry for the one I've got.
Music by Béla Bartók (1881-1945) based on a Hungarian folk tune.
Jack wrote, "The song does not use a personal pronoun. Who knows why? That's why I put 'One' instead of 'I'."
Often only the 1st verse is sung twice.
Sheet Music
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Daniel Bodon for pointing this song to us and to Tinker Jack for translating and commenting on it.
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