Љуља баба
Serbian is written in the Cyrillic Alphabet and the Latin Alphabet. This song is in Cyrillic. It's from the western part of Serbia.
Љуља баба
Granny Rocks the Baby
Nursery Rhyme
Nursery Rhyme
Љуља баба дијете,
што га не зовете?
Ми смо га звали,
шећера му дали,
а оно се љути
што је шећер жути!
Granny rocks the baby.
Why don't you call him?
We called him,
We gave him sugar,
But he's mad
Because the sugar's yellow.
Lyoolya baba deeyete,
shto ga ne zovete?
Mee smo ga zvalee,
shetyera moo dalee,
a ono se lyootee
shto ye shetyer zhootee!