This is a rhyme that's "played" like "This Little Piggy".

Este dedito compró un huevito - Mexican Children's Songs - Mexico - Mama Lisa's World: Children's Songs and Rhymes from Around the World  - Intro Image


Here is another version:

Este compró un pollo,
Este lo peló,
Este lo guisó,
Este puso la mesa
Y este picáro gordo se lo comió.

English translation

This one bought a chicken,
This one peeled it,
This one cooked it,
This one set the table,
And this fat rogue ate it!

Game Instructions

On each line wiggle a finger (or toe) starting with the pinkie. On the last line you also tickle the baby up the arm (or leg).

The version below goes:

Este dedito compró un huevito, (This little finger bought a little egg)
Este lo cocinó, (This one cooked it)
Este le echó la sal, (This one poured the salt)
Este se lo llevó (This one took it)
Y este pícaro gordo se lo comió. (And this fat rogue ate it!)
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The version below goes:
Este dedito compró un huevito, (This little finger bought a little egg)
Este lo cocinó, (This one cooked it)
Este le echó la sal, (This one poured the salt)
Este lo peló (This one peeled it)
Y este gordito chiquito se lo comió. (And this fat little one ate it!)
Please let us know if you think this video has been taken down by YouTube.
The version below goes:
Este dedito compró un huevito, (This little finger bought a little egg)
Este lo peló, (This one peeled it)
Este le puso sal, (This one put it salt)
Este le cocinó (This one cooked it)
Y este pícaro gordito se lo comió. (And this fat little rogue ate it!)
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Thanks and Acknowledgements

Translations by Lisa and Monique. Illustration by Monique.