This song is about a type of long-tailed monkey called "Kra".

Lagu Kra - Malaysian Children's Songs - Malaysia - Mama Lisa's World: Children's Songs and Rhymes from Around the World  - Intro Image


The 2nd image is the pronunciation using the symbols of the Association Phonétique Internationale.

Lagu Kra - Malaysian Children's Songs - Malaysia - Mama Lisa's World: Children's Songs and Rhymes from Around the World  - Comment After Song Image

I like the following recording of part of the song and felt it was valuable to post even though it's in English. Here are the words that are recited...

A Malayan Monkey Song

(Kra is the monkey)

He runs along the branches, Kra!
Carrying off fruit with him, Kra!
Over the seraya trees, Kra!
Over the rambutan trees, Kra!
Over the live bamboos, Kra!
Peering forward, Kra!
And dangling downward, Kra!
He runs along the branches and hoots, Kra!
Peering forward, Kra!
Among the young fruit trees, Kra!
And showing his grinning teeth, Kra!


Thanks and Acknowledgements

The text of this Semang song was collected in Kedah by W.W. Skeat. This song can be found in "Pagan Races of the Malay Peninsula, Volume 1" (1906) by Walter William Skeat and Charles Otto Blagden.

It's very likely that this song was recorded by Skeet. If anyone knows where to hear the recording, please email me