Tarzan, Tarzan, Jungle Man
Mary Jane wrote to us, "I recently learned this choosing rhyme from some of my young choristers. I hope you like it. I use it often.
The chooser moves around the circle, saying and pointing to each child the following..."
Tarzan, Tarzan, Jungle Man
Counting-out Rhyme
Tarzan, Tarzan, jungle man,
Swinging on a rubber band.
Fell into a garbage can.
What color is his blood?
Game Instructions
"The child indicated at "blood" then must say the color. If "red," the chooser spells out "R-E-D" while moving 3 children down the circle. If "green" the chooser spells out "G-R-E-E-N" while moving five children down the circle. The child indicated by the last letter is the chosen one." -Mary Jane

Many thanks to Mary Jane Wilkie for sharing this rhyme, for explaining how to play the choosing game and for reciting it for us.