"My friend from Lebanon told me that this song is originally from Palestine folklore but it's known and sung in almost all Arabic countries." -Fatima


(1) This is related to the pilgrimage to holy Mecca which every Muslim is supposed to do at least once in his or her life. Hajje is used for women and Haji for men.
(2) About the word "Monster" - it's a giant ugly creature but not necessarily scary. Well, something like Shrek for example!
(3) Person's name
(4) A woman


Transliteration of the Song

Kel kebbie hal'ade ad kebbibat el-hajje
Kel kebbie hal'ade ad kebbibat el-hajje
Ya hajje hottilee zait wala ba'odlik bab el-bayt
Kel kebbie hal'ade ad kebbibat el-ghoole
Kel kebbie hal'ade ad kebbibat el-ghoole
Kel kebbie kebouha hosset Salma khabouha
Kel kebbie kebouha hosset Salma khabouha
Ya hajje hottilee zait wala ba'odlik bab el-bayt
Hottie zait tanali qors el-ajje
Hottie zait tanali qors el-ajje
Ya hajje hottilee zait wala ba'odlik bab el-bayt
Hotti zait ya jaraa tanalleb hal-kowara
Hotti zait ya jaraa tanalleb hal-kowara
Ya hajje hottilee zait wala ba'odlik bab el-bayt
Hotti zait ya Malke tanealilik hal-samke
Hotti zait ya Malke tanealilik hal-samke
Ya hajje hottilee zait wala ba'odlik bab el-bayt

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Many thanks to Ramza Jaber Sa'ad for providing the full version of this song in Arabic. Thanks to Fatima Baji for the translation, the transliteration and the notes about the song.
