
"Catin" was a pet name for Catherine. In Canadian and Louisiana French, it may means doll or mannequin. In France-French, it's dated and means "lady of the night" or it can refer to a loose woman.


Alternate versions:

1. Fais dodo, Pinoche,
Ta mère est aux noces.
Elle va revenir bientôt
Avec un petit chien
Gros comme tes deux poings.

English translation

Sleep, Pinoche,
Your mother's gone to a wedding,
She'll come back soon
With a little dog
As big as your two fists.

2. Fais dodo Pinoche,
Ta mère est aux noces.
Ton p'tit frère est allé chercher un morceau de pain.
Gros comme la tête de ton p'tit chien

English translation

Sleep, Pinoche,
Your mother's gone to a wedding,
Your little brother has gone to fetch a piece of bread
As big as your little dog's head.


Sheet Music

Sheet Music - Fais dodo, Pinoche

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Many thanks to Lisa Dranzik for pointing out this song to us!

Merci beaucoup!