Serkenj Fel Kegyes Nép!
Tinker Jack sent me this Hungarian birthday song on my birthday! I was touched by such a nice thought. Here's what he wrote:
"Hi Lisa,
Happy Birthday to you! For this occasion I would like to send you a traditional Hungarian Birthday song. It is also sung traditionally for Mother's Day. Its text is definitely a bit archaic, so I also tried to translate it in that style. In the Hungarian language we do not have any separate personal pronouns for the third person singular. We do not have 'she' or 'he'."
Serkenj Fel Kegyes Nép!
Rouse Thee Up Blessed Folk!
Birthday Song
Birthday Song
Serkenj fel kegyes Nép!
Mosolyog az hajnal,
Arany szárnytollakkal,
Repdes, mint egy angyal.
Ingó-bingó rózsaszál,
Szépen felöltözik,
Liliom rozsába
Meg is törülközik.
Amennyi fűszál van,
A tarka mezőben,
Annyi áldás szálljon,
Lisa Yannucci fejére.
Rouse Thee up blessed folk!
Look, the dawn is smiling,
With her gold-feathered wings,
Angel-like she's flying.
The wobbly-bobbly rose flower,
Is getting neatly dressed,
With a rose and lily towel,
She even dries herself.
As many blades of grass
You can count in the glen,
May that many blessings fly,
Onto Lisa Yannucci's head!

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Tinker Jack for sending this song with the translation!
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