A part alatt
Jack wrote, "The following song has always been kind of a pearl of our childhood. Its images and actions are mystical and realistic at the same time."

A part alatt
By the Shore
Children's Song
Children's Song
A part alatt, a part alatt,
Három varjú kaszál, három varjú kaszál.
Róka gyűjti, Róka gyűjti,
Szúnyog kévét köti, szúnyog kévét köti.
Bolha ugrik, bolha ugrik,
Hányja a szekérre, hányja a szekérre.
Mén a szekér, mén a szekér,
Majd a malomba ér, majd a malomba ér.
A malomba, a malomba,
Három tarka macska, három tarka macska.
Egyik szitál, másik rostál,
Harmadik követ vág, harmadik követ vág.
Szürke szamár vizet hoz már,
Tekenőbe tölti, tekenőbe tölti.
Tehén dagaszt, tehén dagaszt,
Kemencébe rakja, kemencébe rakja.
Medve várja, medve várja,
Kisült-e a cipó, kisült-e a cipó.
Tyúk a cipót csipegeti,
Hangya morzsát szedi, hangya morzsát szedi.
By the shore, by the shore,
Three crows are harvesting*, three crows are harvesting.
Fox gathers the wheat, fox gathers the wheat,
Mosquito makes haystacks, mosquito makes haystacks.
Flea is jumping, flea is jumping,
Springing it up into the wagon, springing it up into the wagon.
The wagon's going, the wagon's going,
It will reach the mill, it will reach the mill.
In the mill, in the mill,
There are three tabby cats, three tabby cats.
One is sieving, the other is sifting,
The third stone cuts, the third stone cuts.
Now a gray mule is bringing water,
Pouring it into the trough, pouring it into the trough.
Cow is kneading, cow is kneading,
Putting it in the oven, putting it in the oven.
Bear is waiting, bear is waiting,
Waiting for the loaf, waiting for the loaf.
Hen is pecking the loaf,
The ant is collecting crumbs, the ant is collecting crumbs.
*The literal translation of this word literally means chopping down a crop with a scythe.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Tinker Jack for contributing and translating this song. Translation edited by Mama Lisa.
Image: Kawanabe Kyōsai(1831-1889) "Karasu" ("Crow") - graphically edited by Lisa Yannucci.
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