Elena la ballena
Elena la ballena
Elena the Whale
Canción infantil
Children's Song
Elena la ballena
se fue a navegar
en una lancha velera
sobre las olas del mar
sobre las olas del mar.
Elena la ballena
mañana volverá
nos traerá de regalo
una estrellita de mar
una estrellita de mar.
Elena la ballena
abrió su quitasol
nosotros desde la playa
le gritamos adiós
le gritamos adiós.
Elena the whale
Went to navigate
A sailboat
On the ocean waves
On the ocean waves.
Elena the whale
In the morning will
Bring us a gift
A little starfish,
A little starfish.
Elena the whale
Opened her umbrella
We, from the beach,
Shouted goodbye to her,
Shouted goodbye to her.
"I wanted to share that this song 'Elena la Ballena' is actually by a Chilean composer who made it popular in Colombia. Very strange story. Her name is Marlore Anwandter." -Andrés & Christina
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