Toc, toc, toc
Toc, toc, toc
Knock, Knock, Knock
Toc, toc, toc,
Qui est là ?
Toc, toc, toc,
Qui est là ?
C'est moi !
Qui moi ?
C'est un petit rat !
Toc, toc, toc,
Qui est là ?
Toc, toc, toc,
Qui est là ?
C'est moi !
Qui moi ?
C'est un méchant chat.
Toc, toc, toc,
Qui est là ?
Toc, toc, toc,
Qui est là ?
C'est moi !
Qui moi ?
C'est ton p'tit papa !
Et le méchant chat
A mangé le rat.
Knock, knock, knock,
Who is there?
Knock, knock, knock,
Who is there?
It's me!
Who's me?
It's a little rat!
Knock, knock, knock,
Who is there?
Knock, knock, knock,
Who is there?
It's me!
Who's me?
It's a mean big cat!
Knock, knock, knock,
Who is there?
Knock, knock, knock,
Who is there?
It's me!
Who's me?
It's your little dad!
And the mean cat
ate the little rat.
Sheet Music
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Translated by Monique and Lisa.
Merci beaucoup!